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Output Power :
Output Current-Channel 1 :
2 Produits
Photo. Type Prix Quantité Stocks Fabricant Description Product Output Power Length Width Height Input Voltage Number of Outputs Output Voltage-Channel 1 Output Current-Channel 1 Commercial/Medical
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Artesyn Embedded Technologies Rack Mount Power Supplies 12V output 1100W Platinum Front End Supplies 1100 W 7.736 in 3.4 in 1.574 in 90 VAC to 264 VAC 1 Output 12 V 91.6 A Commercial
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Artesyn Embedded Technologies Rack Mount Power Supplies 12V output 750W Platinum Front End Supplies 750 W 7.736 in 3.4 in 1.574 in 90 VAC to 264 VAC 1 Output 12 V 62.5 A Commercial